News Releases
HTA Awards Funding to Natural Resources Programs
For Immediate Release: September 23, 2019
HTA Release (19-22)
2019-09-23 HTA Awards Funding to Natural Resources Programs.pdf
HONOLULU – The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) announced today it is awarding funding to 34 programs in the Hawaiian Islands through its Aloha Aina program for the 2020 calendar year, an increase from 28 recipients in 2019. This is in addition to the 95 programs and events HTA is funding through its Community Enrichment program, which was announced earlier this month. The money comes from tourism dollars through the Transient Accommodations Tax (TAT), which people pay when they stay in legal accommodations throughout the state.
HTA’s Aloha Aina program funds community-based nonprofit and government programs helping to manage and protect Hawaii’s natural resources. The Hawaiian proverb, “He alii ka aina, he kauwa ke kanaka” means “the land is a chief, man is its servant,” and therefore if we care for our natural resources, they will care for us.
HTA issued a request for proposals on May 2 with the deadline of July 5 to submit applications. HTA staff held informational briefings about the submission process on all six islands during the month of May.
“Our Aloha Aina program is focused on the lasting value of stewardship by responsible community-based entities with an emphasis on aina-kanaka (land-human) relationships and knowledge. The collective objective is to reinvest tourism dollars to manage, conserve and revitalize Hawaii’s natural resources,” said Kalani Kaanaana, HTA’s Director of Hawaiian Cultural Affairs.
HTA is also providing funding through its Kukulu Ola program, which helps to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture. The Kukulu Ola awardees for 2020 will be announced soon.
Note to media: Interviews with Kalani Kaanaana and an awardee are available upon request.
Click here to download a few photos of the Aloha Aina program awardees.
Media Contacts:
Erin Khan
Vice President - Travel and Tourism
Anthology Marketing Group
808-539-3428 (o)
[email protected]