Island of Hawai‘i Destination Management Action Plan
The foundation of the Hawai‘i Island Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) is based on HTA’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and the Hawai‘i Island Tourism Strategic Plan 2020-2025. The action plan will be used for the recovery and rebuilding of tourism. The County of Hawai‘i developed four cohorts, or action-specific working groups, which represent the four goals of its Tourism Strategic Plan to assist in the development of actions. A steering committee representing members of the community, visitor industry and other sectors were each part of one of the cohorts. The Steering Committee developed the final proposed DMAP actions and will support the implementation of the DMAP. HTA and county tourism officials reviewed the committee’s proposed action items to determine if they are executable and within HTA and the county’s mandates. The draft DMAP was approved by the HTA Board of Directors in February 2021. Click here or the cover image below to view the plan.