Planning Process

Planning Process

HTA developed the Hawaii Island Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) over the course of four months in partnership with the County. The County of Hawaii developed four cohorts, or action-specific working groups, which represent the four goals of its Tourism Strategic Plan. A steering committee representing members of the community, visitor industry and other sectors are part of one of the cohorts that support the implementation of the DMAP. In addition, five steering committee meetings took place. The community also had the opportunity to provide feedback through a community meeting in November 2020 and an online webform. The Steering Committee met via Zoom, and professional meeting facilitators assisted with bringing out the members’ ideas. The DMAP writers, along with HTA and the County, crafted the plan. The draft DMAP was approved by the HTA board in February 2021. The final approved DMAP was shared with the public in March 2021.

Community Meetings

A facilitated Hawaii Island Community Destination Management Action Plan community meeting was held on November 17, 2020. Over 185 residents attended the meeting.  The purpose of the two-hour meeting was to explain the DMAP process to the public, share the proposed draft actions, and have the public provide feedback to the proposed draft actions. 

Click here to see the PowerPoint presentation.

Online Input Form

Hawaii Island residents were able to review the proposed draft actions developed by the Hawaii Island Strategic Tourism Plan process.  HTA used an online input form for the public to provide more detailed input and feedback.  The deadline for feedback was November 11, 2020.  Click here to review the results from the online input form. 

Development of the Hawaii Island DMAP

HTA worked with the County and Island of Hawaii Visitors Bureau to finalize the plan, including identifying responsible parties and phasing for implementation. All actions were created and developed by the Steering Committee with community input.  The DMAP was approved by the HTA board on February 25, 2021.  To view the Hawaii Island DMAP, click here